Giving life everywhere that we go.

This is less about where we go and ALL about WHO we go with. We desire to bring the reality of Jesus Christ everywhere that we go. Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus is already at work in the World & we would not even begin to pretend that we are bringing Him somewhere that He is not already working. Through every mission trip we will encourage, support, and lift up those who are serving tirelessly in the location we are traveling to, whether that means Mexico, Washington D.C., New York City, or Williamsburg.


Haiti [August 2014] | My week in Haiti | By: Abby Darrin

What I struggle with more than anything in my life is being around people. I put a high price on personal time yes, but it’s much more than that. One or two and I’m okay but large groups of people make me very uncomfortable. We’re talking levels of anxiety that often become hard to disguise. So when Holly asked me to come on this trip I knew immediately that if I said yes I would be pushed out of every comfort zone I have. Something in me wanted to go anyway. I was curious to see first hand all the work that CLC had been pouring into Haiti and be a part in any way that I could offer. Holly gave me a list of video and photography projects so I dove right in. It was pretty overwhelming the first day or so as we definitely hit the ground running. I’ve been to other countries but Haiti is by far the most different from the United States that I have experienced yet.

Haiti is hot, it’s dusty and basically everything that we know and take for granted as Americans is completely different. From plumbing to electricity to everyday food items. The first thing that struck me though, was that the evidence of an earthquake that happened four years ago is still everywhere in the form of piles of rubble and half rebuilt homes that still stand unfinished. Each of those unfinished buildings is a reminder of how a life or in may cases several lives were either lost or changed forever. 
A quick glimpse of Lartigue.
Holly, Sarah, and Abby off to Wings of Refuge Children's Home on the first day.
Clean water for Keslounda.

All the kids at Wings of Refuge are there for different reasons. Some lost parents in the earthquake and others have come from bad situations. When you meet them, your heart melts a little before you even know their stories. They are very different in many ways from kids back home. They all seem to have a sense of gratitude for every day things, taking life a bit more seriously. Several of the kids asked me straight away if I was their sponsor and it made me so sad to tell one after another no. I let one little girl lay in my lap for almost 30 minutes. She just wanted affection, nothing else. I started to tear up just thinking about all that she had been through to end up where she was. It made me very grateful for my family and reminded me that I need to slow down once in a while and put them first. It also ignited a curiosity to learn more about each one of the kids. 

Abby and her family is now sponsoring Narcisse. 
Secondly I feel as though we come from a society that complains and agues about every day things. Being in this place is a quick reminder of how little we have to complain about and how simple things can really be. It’s very humbling. The people of Lartigue used to have to walk over a mile to get a bucket of semi-clean water. Now through all that CLC has done, they have clean, running water in their town. It was such a wonderful experience to see first hand how grateful and happy such a simple luxury has made them. 

All of this has shown me there is hope for Haiti. One step at a time. Through love, giving and support. 

- Abby Darrin

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