Giving life everywhere that we go.

This is less about where we go and ALL about WHO we go with. We desire to bring the reality of Jesus Christ everywhere that we go. Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus is already at work in the World & we would not even begin to pretend that we are bringing Him somewhere that He is not already working. Through every mission trip we will encourage, support, and lift up those who are serving tirelessly in the location we are traveling to, whether that means Mexico, Washington D.C., New York City, or Williamsburg.


Haiti | July 2013 | Blog 9

From the church building, it is about a half mile hike to the river. It is arduous enough in sneakers but add a dress, flip-flips, and a five-gallon bucket filled with water and you are in for an experience. Lartigue is on a mountain so as you may assume the trail to the river is a hike filled with rocks, uneven ground, and lots of room to fall. This experience is one that the children and families of Lartigue face multiple times a day. As water should be, the river is central to the community. It is where people go in need of a drink, to bathe or simply clean off from the dust of the day, to wash clothing, or bring water home for any of the many reasons we use water. 

Many of us have heard stories, seen a movie, or read a blog painting us the picture of children walking miles to get water. It all became real for me this week as I watched little children carry bottles that once held oil or clorox and now provided the perfect container for water. The vision of little barefooted kids balanced between two bottles as they journey to their homes will be forever etched in my memory. 

I am still amazed at how easy the women made it look. They gracefully carried 5-gallon buckets of water on their heads as if they were full of feathers. The second day in Lartigue and I found myself surrounded by Haitian children as I transported the water on my head from the river to the church building. I must not have been a normal sight in the village because it felt as if every living thing was chuckling as I struggled to walk up the mountain with the water. I must have looked really awkward because a few kids about half my size offered to carry it for me. By the time I made it to my destination, my arms were shaking.
Marilune, Nnieka, and myself. Got to be great friends with this mom and daughter.
SoapBox Soaps gave a bar of soap to each child!
Watching and living the effort that goes into getting water around here has made me understand why Jesus’ promise of living water carried such weight to the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus offered water that would make her never thirst again. If my every thirst for water required the kind of work it does in Lartigue, I would be very interested in this living water. He then says that He is living water and that those who drink of him will never be thirsty again. I am so thankful that our striving can cease and trying can end when we can simply drink of Jesus. He is more than enough. 
Waiting for their turn to be seen by the doctor at the medical clinic we held on Thursday.
Thank you for sending us, supporting us, and praying for us. Thank you for being a group of people who seeks to advance the kingdom of God all around the globe! So honored to be a part of you, Church! 

Blessed to be a part of you.
- Holly Aman

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