Giving life everywhere that we go.

This is less about where we go and ALL about WHO we go with. We desire to bring the reality of Jesus Christ everywhere that we go. Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus is already at work in the World & we would not even begin to pretend that we are bringing Him somewhere that He is not already working. Through every mission trip we will encourage, support, and lift up those who are serving tirelessly in the location we are traveling to, whether that means Mexico, Washington D.C., New York City, or Williamsburg.


NYC 2011 | Blog 2.

Tonight we got our first real New York experience: the subway. Now, we not only got our first ride in the subway (and for Will, he also got a first-time ride on an escalator), but we got to get involved in the lives of a few New Yorkers. I really believe that connecting to people is where Jesus is at. That is how Jesus's ministry operated. So tonight as we sang songs that were out of tune, and asked people to tell us about a "good restaurant" amidst the thousands of thousands in the city, I was really overcome with new compassion for who people are. I guess you could call it a new depth of perspective. I began to view what we were doing out of the eyes of people who think entirely differently than we do. People exist, people have pasts, people are loved by a God whose love they could never figure out, and that God has more thoughts towards them than they could ever imagine. I am just so amazed by God's love for the world, and his love for sleepy New Yorkers on the subways.

I just pray we would continue to allow our thinking to be worked and challenged as we seek to be Jesus in this city, and that we would carry that deepening perspective with us back to Williamsburg.

-Ashley Loveless


  1. What a great writer you are Ashley. It was so fun to see a picture of you all. I feel like we were there with a way. But instead we were here with a room full of life groupers praying specifically for your out reach team. Tommy Meadows and Chuck Lee had been to NYSUM and shared their memories from years ago. Making it even more obvious that what you are experiencing this week will not only touch the lives of many around you but will leave a permanent impression upon you too.
    Blessings. We are praying. Juliann, Lizzie and Caleb

  2. What a great picture. Thank you all for sharing this with us as you are in the moment. So special what you are doing. We are behind all of you 100%
    XOXOXO, Bill and Crystal

  3. You ALL inspire me~ praying continually! <3
