Well, we are in Haiti. I'm not a very good blogger or story teller, forgive me. I keep my thoughts organized in my phone, twitter style. So I'll give you a peak into my mind in Haiti:
No matter our color, our language, our culture, our thoughts, our views, our age, our nationality: there is one God over all. There is one Jesus, one Spirit. Over all. I worship, you worship, different styles, same God. We are all adopted into a new Kingdom. Family of God. All sons and daughters. All unworthy but all saved by the blood of Messiah. #inbreakingkingdom #haiti
Worship can still move you even if you don't understand. It's not all about the words, but it is all about the God. #kingdomculture #haiti
Haiti, God is on mission here. People living life's mission for Him. God's redemption inside of people open them to change the world. God is writing the story of redemption all around the world. #inbreakingkingdom #Gospelisastory #haiti
A life lived on mission is a life lived in love #thechurch #haiti
Culture changes. Truth does not. #readyourbible #haiti
Haitians are classy #suitup #haiti
Selling everything wasn't enough. It says "then come, follow me. We are to follow Jesus is God's story. Walk with Him in life. Live out God's #storyofredemption. #luke18 #devos #haiti
"For the son of man came to seek and save what was lost." WE need to recognize without Jesus we are lost. #redemption #Jesushelpme #haiti
Be like a child. Joy is inside. Forgiveness is easy. Laughter and friends. #wingsofrefuge #community #haiti
There are people everywhere doing the work of God. #jointhefamily #haiti
Community forms around the doing. Whether setting up tables for dinner together, playing together, or cleaning dishes together. #challengedbychildren #antiindividualism #wingsofrefuge #haiti
The Church prays and agrees together. Is reaching forward together. No one does it on their own. All contribute and they move together #haiti
We always have reason to celebrate. Celebrate people. Celebrate freedom. Celebrate that we were once lost but are now found. Celebrate the gospel #walkingintoeternitybygivengrace #haiti
Christianity doesn't work just by watching or just by waiting. It is active. If you aren't moving forwards in the things of God you missed it somewhere. Our God and the life he has for us is one to always be seeking after, running for, sprinting towards. #runtherace #conviction #lifeisastory #haiti
Simply pray for a life completely led by the Spirit. #praybig #haiti
Baptism. The waters are a cemetery; a cemetery for Sin. You are a new creation. You are in Messiah. You stand and live and breathe in the love of a living God. You are given a new identity. #Liveuptoyournewidentity #jointhefamily #storyofredemption #haiti
What we believe about the future shapes how we live here and now. #resurrection #hope #haiti
We are not called to escape from life. Not to have an escapist mindset. We are to live with an engaged mindset. We should not want to escape but to engage. To join in the redemptive work of Jesus, as he puts back together a broken world. #stoprunningaway #standfirm #inbreakingkingdom #haiti
The Kingdom of God is coming, not all at once, but in pieces, not only in my live but in our collective lives, together, and to the world. #inbreakingkingdom #haiti
If you believe in the resurrection. Believe that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Messiah and answer for our deeds, whether good or bad. You will answer for all of it. Not fire and brimstone preaching, but that, in Judgment, God will set the world to right. We should hope in Judgment, Live in light of judgment. It purifies you. Be glad when you live in that hope because God will, piece by piece, place you back to how he intended #knowingthefutureeffectsournow #IwillanswertoGod #notagospelofsinmanagment #waragainstsininyourself #repentanceisalifestyle #devos #haiti
"When are you coming back?" #breakingmyheart #thingsworthfightingfor #haiti
Love requires doing. #conviction #haiti
- Nick Lopez